Is Chaos in Life What You Think It Is?

What is Chaos?

Chaos, defined as "the state of utter confusion," is what happens when your life - thoughts, emotions, habits, relationships, finances, and decisions - proceed without your intentional guidance. It's the state where behavior and events seem uncontrollable. You feel like you’re being run by your world instead of having the leadership over it. 

Believe me when I say I speak from personal experience - much personal experience - when I speak of chaos as a lifestyle. When you couple chaos with victimhood it’s a whole hot mess! I lived most of my adult life in this bondage of feeling sorry for myself for what I absolutely could change. I speak from a place of trying everything on the surface with little transformation. What I really needed was to sit down somewhere and start recognizing the power of my emotions, wounds, and the lies I believed about myself, about God, and about life. I share these tips with you as a part of my own journey. 

Thoughts vs. Thinking

Understanding the difference between thoughts and thinking is pivotal. Thoughts are a part of being human, often a way for the Divine to communicate with us. Thinking, on the other hand, is when we cast our limiting beliefs and judgments onto our thoughts, leading to negativity and dysfunction. Check out “Don’t Believe Everything You Think” by Joseph Nguyen.

Our thoughts can be damaging, both divinely inspired and evil-inspired. I won’t get too deep right now but know thoughts will come and we can choose to engage or not. When we choose to engage we begin to think about that thought. That is when we invoke our current soul and heart health into our thoughts. We often talk ourselves out of blessings due to overthinking. Not to mention make ourselves miserable. We can choose!

Taking Charge of Chaos

Just as we manage chaos in our lives, we must assume leadership over our thoughts. We can shift from being servants of our thoughts to becoming their rulers.

Chaos is inherent to human existence, but we can choose to rise above survival instincts through a Divine connection. To optimize life, walking with the Divine is essential. Divine guidance helps us conquer our chaotic selves. We can only do so much in our own ability. Let’s keep it 100 here. There are too many unknown variables that He knows and we don’t.

Barb Raveling, in "Renewing the Mind Project," emphasizes that God wants to give us victory over negative emotions and habits, but He expects us to be actively involved in our transformation. The key here is, to be actively involved. *Smile*

Imperfection as an Opportunity

Accepting imperfection is crucial. Humans are inherently imperfect, a design choice since the Garden of Eden. Perfection is often a smokescreen, hiding the fear of rejection and failure. Realize that striving for perfection is unnecessary stress because you will never get there! I heard Crystal Renee Hayslett say on her YouTube channel, “Keep it Positive, Sweetie” that her therapist suggested she no longer strive for impossible perfection but aim for excellence. That is amazing advice. 

Imperfections manifest in various ways - body types, mental and emotional stability, financial status, and more. Accepting imperfections can save years of self-loathing and open the door to personal growth.

The Journey of Improvement

Life is a journey from one point to another. We can't relive the past, and time is a precious commodity. Change is the only constant in life. 

Improvement means making things better, and it's a journey we're all on. Benjamin Franklin aptly noted that the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. 

Letting Go of Control

Control often leads to manipulation, attempting to position external factors strategically. Real-life management isn't about controlling externals but surrendering to divine guidance and self-awareness. Let’s aspire to management and flexibility instead of control. Connecting the work done within to the positioning of external things leads to true life management.

Cultivating a Positive Mindset
Cultivating a positive mindset is hard work. It involves mindfulness, self-reflection, and thought management. 

To manage chaos effectively, you must know yourself, focus on inner growth, and become open to change. Accept that perfection is unattainable, and Divine guidance is essential. 

So, my friend, let's embrace chaos as a part of life's journey. Let's focus on managing ourselves, not external circumstances. Let's make a decision to let go of excessive control and surrender to Divine guidance. It's time to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and improvement. I’m here for you! Share with me what you think!

Nikki Cates

Moms & Grams | Wife | Believer | Life Transformation Coach & Strategist | Writer | Army Veteran | Change Agent


Acknowledging Your Inner Struggles


Renewing Your Perspective on God, Yourself, and Life